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Sustainable Freight
is the Future.

Zeus provides companies with real and actionable ways to streamline, improve and decarbonise their freight transport.

Electric HGV charging

The road to

Sustainable Freight.

Road freight transport is one of the largest and fastest growing sources of emissions in the EU, and presents one of the biggest decarbonisation challenges across all sectors. At Zeus, we’ve taken up the challenge.

We are proud to offer some of the most impactful freight solutions to assist our customers in their decarbonisation journeys. From our industry-leading sustainable freight services and fully-accredited freight emissions measurement and reporting to our day-to-day business activities, sustainability is at the core of everything we do at Zeus. We are committed to leading the decarbonisation effort in the freight sector in close partnership with our customers.

Business Sustainability Strategy

Zeus was founded to ​help create a single universal standard that enables everyone to work together to reduce the environmental impact of global freight and promote a green supply chain.

Our carbon reduction strategy comprises the following key elements:

  • Deploying high-impact low-carbon freight solutions with emission reductions of at least 80%.

  • Working in close collaboration with our customers and suppliers to facilitate a rapid and cost-effective transition to net zero logistics.

  • Committing to reducing our Scope 1 and 2 emissions as close to zero as possible, and offsetting the remainder.

  • Setting science-based decarbonisation targets and tracking progress towards them.

  • Participating in key industry initiatives and bodies such as GLEC and SFBA to ensure that we are adopting the latest technologies and industry best-practise, and to contribute to moving the industry forward as a whole towards net zero.

  • Supporting Zeus staff in minimising their carbon footprint through flexible working and low-carbon transport options.

Our freight decarbonisation roadmap is built on three pillars:

  • Maximising efficiency through modal shift and route optimisation.

  • Transition fuels including HVO and biomethane as effective “transition fuels”, reducing emissions by over 80% in the short and medium term.

  • Battery electric vehicles as the most effective and economically feasible pathway to net zero freight.


Our Business Emissions

Alongside providing leading low-carbon freight and emissions reporting customer solutions, we are also conscious of our own environmental impact as a business. We have been tracking the carbon footprint of our business operations since 2023 using industry-standard methods and emission factors, and taking steps to reduce these wherever possible.

A summary of our carbon footprint is given in the table below for the 2023 calendar year. As an asset-light technology company our Scope 1 and 2 emissions are relatively small. Most of our emissions lie in Scope 3, dominated by sub-contracted freight activity. Our Scope 3 freight emissions are measured to a high level of detail using Pledge in line with the GLEC Framework and ISO 14083 standard, while remaining emissions are calculated using Ecologi Zero.

ScopeEmissions (tonnes CO2e) (2023)Comments
10We have no direct emissions from owned assets
21.080Office electricity usage
37,922Of which 7,344 tonnes is sub-contracted freight operations

Given that our Scope 3 freight emissions account for over 90% of our emissions profile, we closely inspect our progress in reducing these through the provision of our low-carbon freight solutions. As the freight volumes that we service grows, it is obvious that the net volume of our Scope 3 freight emissions will grow too. As such, a useful metric of progress towards decarbonising freight is the “emissions intensity”, measured in g CO2e/tonne-km. This represents the average emissions profile per freight volume that we deliver, and an increasing portion of this carried on low-carbon solutions will over time reduce our emissions intensity towards zero.

We are proud to have made significant progress in this regard through the scaled delivery of low-carbon loads, mainly HVO and intermodal. Over the 12 months to February 2024, our emission intensity across all of our freight volumes dropped 22% from 75.2 to 58.5 g CO2e/tonne-km.

We are reducing emissions across the business through a number of interventions including:

  • In scaling up our innovative low-carbon freight solutions for our customers we are actively reducing our largest source of emissions (Scope 3 logistics).
  • Flexible and hybrid working is reducing the emissions associated with staff commuting.
  • The hosting for our tech platform and website is powered by 100% renewable energy.
  • We have an active waste recycling scheme in place at our London office.
  • Zeus actively encourages the use of public rail transport for commuting and business travel where possible.
  • Our subsidised staff EV lease scheme gives staff the opportunity to further reduce their personal transport emissions.

“Climate responsibility is no longer a debate, it’s a deadline. We all need to work together towards eliminating greenhouse gas emissions in a way that companies can trust and embrace easily. Zeus was founded to do just this and specialises in providing innovative solutions for decarbonisation that make real and consequential reductions in carbon emissions."

Jai Kanwar & Clemente Theotokis

Founders, Zeus

Decarbonisation Targets

Our decarbonisation targets have been set in line with the Science-Based Targets Initiative against a baseline year of 2023. Our key targets can be summarised as:

Zeus as Sustainable Business
  • Achieving carbon neutrality in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025, ahead of the SBTi requirements.
  • Scope 3 emissions reduced to below 5,940 tonnes CO2e by 2030, in line with the SBTi on a well-below-2C basis (WB2C).
  • Ensuring a steady reduction in our average freight emission intensity (t CO2e/tonne-km) each year regardless of freight volumes.
Road through the forest

Affiliations & Partners

In order to provide a global standard on the reporting of carbon emissions, the Global Logisics Emissions Council (GLEC) developed the GLEC Reporting Framework.

The Reporting Framework a way to standardise supply chain emissions accounting for all forms of transport.

Read more

Pledge is an easy-to-use emissions measurement solution built for freight forwarders. Accredited for all modes of transport, with global coverage.

Pledge’s calculator is accredited by the Smart Freight Centre for adherence with the Global Logistics Emissions Council Framework (GLEC), the official global standard for the calculation and reporting of logistics emissions.

Read more

The Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance is a voluntary community-driven body of major shippers and transport providers across the world working together to standardise the role of 'sustainable procurement' in the supply chain.

Zeus is proud to help shape the standards of this rapidly burgeoning area of expertise, which is essential if we are to make freight truly sustainable.

Find out more

Sustainable Freight

Why Track Your Freight Emissions?

Zeus provides both the low-carbon freight solutions and the emissions reporting you need to make a real impact and track your progress towards net zero.

We offer industry-leading accredited emissions calculations for all your shipments, powered by Pledge. Our emissions calculator below lets you experience the technology and understand the data and methodology behind it. Read more about our sustainable freight solutions.

Try calculating the emissions impact of some of your own diesel truck shipments; by switching to Zeus’ low-carbon HVO or intermodal solutions you can cut these emissions by over 80%!

Measure Your Freight Emissions